Once you have received your credentials to access our secure Support Portal we will engage you in order to have them securely exchanged.
Speed Optimization
care of all your WordPress needs.
Page Speed Optimization
Page speed is often confused with site speed, which is actually the page speed for a sample of page views on a site. Page speed can be easily described in either "page load time" which is the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page or "time to first byte" which is how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the webserver.
SEO Best Practices
Page speed is also important to user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. Longer load times have also been shown to negatively affect conversions.
Optimize Images
Remove Query Strings
Minify Javascript and CSS
Optimize Mobile Experience
Render-Blocking Resources
Combine Requests
Leverage Browser Caching
Lazy Loading Images
Combine Requests
Enable Compression
Inline Critical CSS
CDN Support
- Quick setup with immediate results.
- Mobile Detection.
- eCommerce Friendly.
Included in RB Premium Subscription
- Experience up to 70% faster website recovery with BlogVault.
- Migrate 80% faster, migration so easy, it’s almost ridiculous.
- Backup your WooCommerce orders as and when they take place.
Included in RB Premium Subscription
WP Smush Pro is one of WPMUDEV’s Premium plugins! Smush unlimited images with the push of a button! Optimization of images up to 32MB, 2X compression, original images backed up and blazing fast 45 point image CDN! If you’re looking to compress images and speed up your site in the process, WP Smush Pro is exactly what you have been looking for!
WordPress speed optimization questions
There are many choices for WordPress maintenance and support available, why choose Ranked Brain?
- We offer 24/7/365 support. Because RB Premium Maintenance & Support was built with a follow the sun model we have staff around the globe. If the sun is up, so are we!
- We include freemium plugins. Every WordPress website on our RB Protection or RB Performance subscriptions are able to leverage iThemes Security Pro (a $297 value), WP Smush Pro (a $600 value) and WP Rocket (a $199 value). Consider the value of these products and we include them at no additional cost.
- We let our reviews speak for themselves. Our highest priority is and will always be customer satisfaction. You can find us on Google, BirdEye, Facebook, Trustpilot, and the BBB. We make it our mission to build relationships.
- We extend our services with our white-label partnership program. Ranked Brain partners with designers, agencies, marketing firms and freelancers by extending our services with a simple yet effective white-label solution. If you have clients or customers that need ongoing WordPress website updates, performance enhancements, additional security or any kind of regular support, we’ll work behind the scenes as your technical partner.
How do I get my RB login credentials?
We will send you an email to validate the email address that you supplied during checkout and you can reset your password. If you require assistance, you can use our live chat feature for immediate assistance or email us at support@rankedbrain.com and we will send you a password reset email.
How do I send you login credentials for my WordPress site?
Do you have documentation that will help me get started with my plan?
Absolutely, we will send you a series of introductory emails detailing how to engage our team. We refer to this as our “must gather” details, it ensures that we 100% understand your request and nothing gets missed.
What does unlimited edits mean?
Great question!
Does Include: Edits to existing content on any page, changing out banners, updating headers or footers, changing/updating your plugin settings, CSS adjustments, blog content or context edits, adding a updated landing page, formatting landing pages, updating images or text, adding coupon codes or shopping carts.
Does Not Include: Custom development work (PHP, plugins, themes, etc), updating any custom code, graphics design, creating content or building a new website or adding subdomains.
Included: Upload blog content that you created with attached images that have been sent and format for WordPress with instructions.
Not included: Create a blog post, find images and upload to WordPress with no instructions.
Included: Add a new product to your eCommerce store (for which you’ve provided all needed content,images, and pricing).
Not included: Create a custom checkout process for your eCommerce store.
Included: Install and set up a plugin to use it’s built-in functionality.
Not included: Create new functionality that in not available with a plugin. (This would require custom development which would be considered a project.)
Included: Take the text that you sent to us and use it to update the existing content on the About Us page.
Not included: Create content for or design your About US page.
We do offer custom development work and and build customized solutions, so we would be happy to work with you on that as well. If that is what you think you need, just shoot us an email or reach out to us on our live chat!
Do you manage websites that use WooCommerce?
Absolutely we do!
WordPress Websites with this type of advanced functionality will need our WordPress Performance Plan, same with membership sites, multi-language sites, WordPress sites with online payments, etc. They require additional resources to be managed correctly, so making sure that you’re on the right plan will enable us to dedicate what’s needed to keep your WordPress website secure, optimized for speed, and running smoothly.
Does it matter what hosting provider I'm using?
We work with WordPress websites regardless of where they are hosted.
We know and understand that WordPress websites have varying needs and there are other factors involved. Although, if you are utilizing a shared hosting solution, we may not be able to achieve your speed and security goals. If you’d like to discuss a hosting change or upgrade, we have options available to all of our clients.
How does onboarding work and what can I expect?
Once you sign up for the Premium Maintenance & Support plan that meets your needs and the requirements of your WordPress website, you will receive a welcome and introduction email that outlines how to access our Support Portal. Once you have logged into our Support Portal, we will give you a warm welcome and get everything started. We suggest an admin account specifically created for our team for auditing purposes, if you would like our suggestion let us know and we’d be happy to help you get one created.
Once you have sent the required login credentials for your WordPress website dashboard and your hosting provider, we’ll have your plan up and going in 24-48 hours. This includes our extensive checklist to ensure your WordPress website is freshly backed up and optimized.
Your load speed optimization will likely take a week, due to the fact that we have to evaluate and optimize your unique WP core files, plugins, and theme. We pride ourselves in quality, so we take our time and make sure every little detail is checked twice. During the on boarding process your website will be backed up hourly.
As we are working through our on boarding tasks we will be in constant communication with you, keeping you updated regarding our work as it happens. We even offer transparent communication via our Slack channel with your on boarding specialist for instant updates.
What if I have more than one WordPress website that I want to be managed?
Our Premium Maintenance & Support plans each cover a single WordPress website. If you have multiple sites or you have subdomains of a website (e.g. rankedbrain.com and affiliates.rankedbrain.com) they will be treated as separate sites. If you have more than one WordPress website that you’d like us to manage, you will need a plan for each. Depending on the needs for the websites, you may choose a different plan for each website.
Do you offer live phone support with any of your plans?
While we don’t offer phone support as a part of our premium plans, customer service is our #1 priority and we believe that you’ll find our email and live chat support effective, fast, and stress free! If you would like to inquire about phone support as an optional add-on please make your on boarding specialist aware.
What our customers are saying
We are passionate about our clients and our community.
Other Services
Performance Optimization
WordPress Website Edits
Premium WordPress Support
Fully Managed Security
WordPress Core & DB Backups
Freemium Plugins
Core Files, Plugins, & Theme Updates
24/7 Monitoring & Emergency Support
Mobile Friendly Optimization
Track where your visitors are coming from. Learn which pages your users are landing on, exiting from, and what pages are the most popular.
Business Analytics & Monitoring Platform
- Session recording & heatmaps, review and adjust site.
- Which visitors keep coming back and how often.
- Centralized dashboard with all your visitor metrics.
- Track ad campaigns and know how they are performing.
- Understand where your website referrals originate.
- Track and understand your eCommerce transactions.
- What content and pages are entry and exit points.